Recently, there has been a lot of research on the long-term effects of pain induction on newborns. To date, there is no clear answer. This raises a concern to most parents. They ask themselves the question: Is there a way to minimize pain in my newborn infant during its first few hours of life?
As a naturopathic doctor expecting her first baby in the next few days I have done some research into this question. I have decided to forgo the intramuscular injection (OUCH!) and use oral vitamin K instead.
Below is the dosing regime I will use:
Oral Vitamin K1 (K1-phytonadione) 2.0mg at time of first feeding, at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age.
The brand I will use is Biotics Bio-K-Mulsion which supplies 500mcg (i.e. 0.5mg) per drop.
Note that Vitamin K1 by Biotics is illegal in Canada at this time.
For any questions about "Naturopathic mommy'ing" please do not hesitate to contact myself, Dr. Jolene Kennett, ND, at
*Note that I am on maternity leave until Sept 1st 2009